Dr Austin TayAug 31, 20131 min readhttp://www.nytimes.com/2013/05/05/opinion/sunday/a-focus-on-distraction.html?emc=tnt&tntemail1=yUpdated: Oct 20, 2023http://www.nytimes.com/2013/05/05/opinion/sunday/a-focus-on-distraction.html?emc=tnt&tntemail1=y&_r=2&An interesting article from the NY Times – A focus on Distraction. How we multi-task and get distracted with all the technology that are making our lives more connected but not necessarily good for the brain.22.28552114.15769#brain #distraction #multitask #technology
http://www.nytimes.com/2013/05/05/opinion/sunday/a-focus-on-distraction.html?emc=tnt&tntemail1=y&_r=2&An interesting article from the NY Times – A focus on Distraction. How we multi-task and get distracted with all the technology that are making our lives more connected but not necessarily good for the brain.22.28552114.15769#brain #distraction #multitask #technology