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  • Writer's pictureAustin Aloysius Tay

Stop pointing fingers already…

Updated: Oct 20, 2023

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The world today is very different from what it was last year. It is inevitable to be bombarded by news about the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak. Most of us are taking this opportunity to get used to this new working method. Some are using this unprecedented situation to sell their services; some offer free webinars, and politicians are still squabbling about who should blame.

From the news avenue, we can see that most people will abide by whatever measures their countries have imposed to curb the spreading of the COVID-19 virus, but similarly, we are also seeing others blatantly flouting the imposed measures. Why do people do that? People want to feel social and be part of a group, even when the spreading of the COVID-19 virus is rampant. To some, preventing them from socializing is infringing on their freedom.

We all have a part to play during this unprecedented time. Many people are struggling through this new environment. Many have also lost their lives as they succumbed to this disease. We might all be experiencing this whole outbreak differently, but one similar thing is that we are all fearful. Our fears stem from not knowing enough about this disease, especially when there is still so much the experts are trying to figure out about the disease, and a vaccine is still not in sight.  While most of us cannot do much about this disease, we can work collectively to reduce the spike in the spreading of the disease. Be responsible and think about how our actions can impact others.

What can we do?  We need to look at changing our habits. Adapt to the changes. Start to use different ways to communicate. Why not use this time to reconnect with friends, spend more time with your loved ones (keeping social distancing wherever required) and also take time to reflect and recharge? Keeping yourself psychologically and physically fit will be essential. Choose whatever works for you.

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